Hi! Kohenet D’vorah Grenn and I celebrated one year of sacred conversations by pulling cards and offering readings for you from #netivotoracle and #journeyofloveoracle decks. Watch the video or listen to the audio version on your favourite podcast app.
Card reading:
Eht/Aht spread:
Vessel - Shamaness - "Decipher the Ways of the Universe"
Message: be the channel. Keep your channel clear and yourself healthy and well.
Ally - Weaver - "Interweave the Personal and the Cosmic"
Message: all parts of you are welcome. Surround yourself with those who see who as a whole and integrated being.
Offering - Prophetess - "Explore the Power of your Dreams"
Message: Pay attention to your sleeping and waking dreams now. We are dreaming the world into being.
Journey of Love:
Sweet Soul Rising
Message: Sweetness of surrender to another world. It's okay to sit in the unknown and let go in awe of what's possible. (Pulled on Hod she'b'hod day of the Omer!)
Shoutout to Goldherring.com's Omer Workbook
In the past year, we have aired 18 episodes of Priestessing the Priestesses (you can find them on Facebook as they are slowly being uploaded to our YouTube channel as well.) And 6 episodes of Tending Lilith's Fire.
D’vorah and I met by phone or on Zoom almost every week to connect and support each other in doing the work of priestessing our communities and ourselves. We have shared and will continue to share many of those conversations with you.
In this first year, we have addressed themes of: rest, self-care, sacred feminine, spiritual leadership, priestesshood, re-envisioning Jewish holidays, wrestling with identity, vulnerability, anger, Lilith's Fire, chanting, crystals, and other ritual tools and more!
We are grateful for the curiosity and participation of our guests in the first year:
Mandisa Wood, on food justice, priestessing, art and embodiment
Ketzirah Lesser, on corporate priestessing and sacred art
Cherina Eisenberg, on pleasure, slowing down and being in our bodies
Laurentina Stein, on play, improv, sex and food
Xochipala Maes Valdez, on the effects of pandemic life on ritual and spiritual practices
Batya Diamond, on sacred music and ethical leadership
Marguerite Rigoglioso, on womb magic and parthenogenesis
You can find more about D’vorah Grenn at http://www.lilithinstitute.com/lilithwp/ and me, Annie Matan at https://anniematan.com
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